Christina River Watershed Cleanup April 2

The 2022 Christina River Watershed Cleanup was held on April 2. After two years of no or limited cleanups, there was even more trash and debris than usual. The Cleanup is a great opportunity for volunteers to work with local organizations to remove man-made debris from this beautiful watershed. Trash in wetlands, along waterways, and on the ground in neighborhoods, parks and natural areas makes its way into rivers, streams, and the ocean if not picked up.

For the last two years, the Cleanup has been canceled or very limited, due to the pandemic, so we were happy to have it back in its original format in 2022. Thank you to all of the sponsors and volunteers that made it happen!

Learn more and see where the various sites were in Wilmington and New Castle County at!  

CBR4 Workshop February 15

On Tuesday February 15, 2022 from 1:00 to 4:00 pm on zoom, a group of partners including the Christina Conservancy held a workshop about the Christina-Brandywine River Remediation, Restoration, Resilience (CBR4) Plan. Organizations, agencies and community groups working in and around the lower Christina and Brandywine Rivers were invited to attend. 

The first hour of the workshop featured a guest speaker sharing insights from Newtown Creek as well as information on conditions, goals and strategies identified by the project team as critical for CBR4. The remainder of the workshop was an interactive discussion seeking reactions, feedback and additional ideas on the strategies shared. Input collected will guide the project team in identifying projects and activities to include in the plan, to be completed later this year.

Watch a recording of the workshop here. To learn more about the CBR4 project see

2021 Annual Meeting Held Nov 16th

On Tuesday, November 16th the Christina Conservancy held its annual meeting at the Kalmar Nyckel Foundation’s Copeland Maritime Center located at 1124 E 7th Street in Wilmington. Presentations were from 5:00 to 6:00 pm, followed by a meeting of the Board of Directors.

The program featured a presentation on the Underground Railroad’s Connection to the Christina River by guest speaker Sam Heed, as well as an update on the lower Christina and Brandywine River Remediation, Restoration and Resilience (CBR4) project.

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