2025 Scholarship Guidelines
The Edward W. Cooch, Jr. Environmental Scholarship fund has been established to honor the late Edward W. Cooch, Jr. (1920-2010). “Ned” as many of us knew him, was an avid environmentalist with a deep passion for the natural lands and water resources of the State of Delaware. In 1982 Ned was one of the founders of the Christina Conservancy which promotes the preservation and restoration of the natural and historic resources of the Christina River Watershed. Ned was one of the driving forces and an inspiration for the Christina River Watershed Cleanup, which was started in 1992, and has removed hundreds of tons of trash from the watershed. Ned was an active member of the Delaware community and demonstrated a deep commitment to the natural environment.
This $2,500 scholarship will be awarded to one student, selected by the scholarship committee, who demonstrates the ideals that Ned Cooch carried out in his daily life.
1. Must be applying to a properly accredited community college, college, or university for the fall semester 2025;
2. Must be a Delaware resident;
3. Must be a senior in a Delaware high school or veteran of the U.S. armed services;
4. Must have a grade point average of 3.0 or greater;
5. Must major in an environmental field of study;
6. Must demonstrate a strong interest in water resources and the environment (example: participate in river cleanups, engage in school Eco-club projects, elect to take environmental classes, etc.).
Selection Criteria
The recipient should possess a passionate interest in preserving, restoring and conserving water resources and the natural environment. This will be clearly communicated through described academic and career goals.
All applications and supporting materials must be received by the Christina Conservancy Scholarship Committee at either the email address or mailing address listed below no later than Tuesday, April 15th, 2025. Word and/or PDF files sent by email will be accepted by the due date.
Links to application forms:
MS-WORD file: 2025 Edward W Cooch Jr Scholarship Application
PDF file: 2025 Edward W Cooch Jr Scholarship Application
Email Word or PDF files to: mcorrozi@udel.edu
Mail to:
Christina Conservancy Scholarship Committee
C/O Cooch Scholarship Committee Chairperson
1201 Orange Street, Suite 640
Wilmington, DE 19801
For questions or more information please contact:
Martha Narvaez, University of Delaware Water Resources Center and Christina Conservancy Scholarship Committee Chair
Email: mcorrozi@udel.edu
The recipient will be chosen by the Christina Conservancy Scholarship Committee. The Committee does not discriminate by age, race, color, national origin, disability, creed, or gender. Family members of the Scholarship Committee are not eligible. The decision of the Committee is final.
Notification of the winner will take place by the end of May 2025. The Scholarship will be awarded in June 2025.
To donate to the scholarship fund click on the link below:
Contact the Christina Conservancy to Contribute to the Cooch Scholarship
Past Scholarship Recipients include:
2024 Abigail Torres and Nolan Wilson