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According to the Delaware Watersheds website, there are many simple practices that you, as a resident of your local watershed, can do to help improve your local waterways and minimize your negative impact on water quality. The following recommendations provide several ways YOU can help.


Lawn and Garden – A healthy lawn and garden makes a home more attractive and is also environmentally beneficial. more>
Septic Systems – Septic systems require periodic check-ups and proper care to function properly. more>
Outdoor Practices – There are many other things that we do outside that can help our environment. more>
Household Hazardous Waste – We must also be mindful not to improperly dispose of hazardous materials which can increase the burden wastewater systems. more>
Boating – Boating on the waters of Delaware can be a great way to see and appreciate our environment.  While on our waterways, here are some things to remember to keep them clean. more>

In addition to the practices listed above, below you will find links to resources that provide useful information on how YOU can help.