

The 2014 Christina River Watershed Cleanup

Thank you to all the volunteers who helped
with the 2014 Christina River Cleanup!

The Carter family volunteered at Newark's Brookhaven Park for the 23rd annual Christina River Cleanup.

The Carter family helped to clean the waterways near Newark’s Brookhaven Park for the 2014 Christina River Cleanup.

DSC_0367 CCA big “thank you” goes out to the many volunteers who turned out on Saturday – April 12 – to help clean up the Christina River Watershed.  This important watershed provides 75% of the public water supply for residents and businesses in New Castle County. For the 23rd year, the cleanup effort helped improve wildlife habitat and keep these waterways as free from debris as possible.

Since the Cleanup began in 1992, more than 330 tons of tires, appliances, household items, and uncountable pieces of plastic and styrofoam have been cleared from the Christina River, White Clay Creek, Red Clay Creek, and various other tributaries. More than 12,000 volunteers have filled trash bags in Churchmans Marsh, White Clay Creek State Park, the City of Wilmington, and various other locations.

ChristinaCleanupAll volunteers received a 2014 Christina River Watershed Cleanup t-shirt designed by Matt Iovannone, a senior at Salesianum School, the winner of the 9th annual Christina River Watershed Cleanup T-shirt Design Contest.

More than 50 organizations and businesses sponsor the cleanup each year. Besides the Christina Conservancy, primary sponsors include Delaware’s Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control (DNREC), Dow Chemical, Partnership for the Delaware Estuary, Kenny Family Foundation, ShopRite, Artesian Water Company, GE Aviation, Noramco Inc., United Water Delaware, BASF – The Chemical Company, Veolia Water, and Delaware City Refinery.

Other volunteer opportunities:

You can check out future volunteer newsletters at http://delawarenaturesociety.org for more information about registering for upcoming events.


Ongoing Volunteer Opportunities

 Abott’s Millabbottsmillinformz  Ashland Nature Centerashlandnaturecenterinformz  DuPont Environmental
Education Centerdeecnaturecenterinformz
If you are interested in any of these volunteer opportunities, please contact Hannah Starke, Delaware Nature Society Volunteer Coordinator, 302-239-2334 ext. 111. You can also apply online.