

CBR4 Bioblitz July 23rd

The Christina Conservancy teamed up with the Delaware Nature Society and Sarver Ecological to host a Bioblitz on Saturday, July 23rd from 3 to 6pm as part of Open Streets Wilmington at the 16th Street Bridge and Jessup Street. Scientists collected information on plant an animal species living along the Brandywine River to share with participants and inform the lower Christina and Brandywine Rivers Remediation, Restoration and Resilience (CBR4) plan.

An important part of the CBR4 project is understanding what plans and animals call the area home, tracking their population numbers, and identifying where they can be found in and around the river. One way to accomplish this is through a Bioblitz – a survey by volunteer professional naturalists to identify mammals, birds, amphibians, reptiles, insects, wildflowers, trees and shrubs on a publicly owned property.

Results were shared in real time with Open Streets participants at the Bioblitz table, where people also learned about iNaturalist, a free app developed by National Geographic that can be downloaded onto your smartphone and used to collect and report species data. At any time, users can upload an image of any animal or plant they see and include its location for others to view and identify. Download the app today to submit your sightings and learn more about plants and animals in and around the Christina and Brandywine Rivers here.

For details about this event, see https://openstreetswilmington.org/july-23-16th-st-bridge/.