The Christina Conservancy teamed up with the Delaware Nature Society and others to host a Bioblitz on Saturday, Sept. 25 from 1 to 5 p.m. at the DuPont Environmental Education Center in Wilmington. It was held as part of the Monarch Migration Celebration, an afternoon of culture and nature, and will help inform the lower Christina and Brandywine Rivers Remediation, Restoration and Resilience (CBR4) plan.
An important part of the CBR4 project is understanding what plants and animals call the area home, tracking their populations and identifying where in the project area they can be found. One way to do this is by hosting a Bioblitz – a fun walk led by a professional naturalist to identify any or all of the mammals, birds, amphibians, reptiles, insects, wildflowers, trees and shrubs in a publicly owned property.
On September 25th four walks were held between 1:00 pm and 5:00pm and over 60 species of plants and animal were identified. Walk participants learn about iNaturalist, a free app that can be downloaded to your smartphonean and used to collect and report species data. Users can upload an image of any animal or plant they see at any time, with its location for others to view and help identify. Download the App today and submit your sightings. (Learn More)